Thursday, September 29, 2011

Land & Water Forms

As a culminating activity for our study of land and water forms, students built physical models using homemade 'Play-Doh' provided by some of our parents (thank you!). Having separated into groups, students had to collectively make choices as to how they were going to build their land and water forms. In addition to naming their creations, students made map keys to identify their land and water forms. Enjoy the slideshow :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Enemy Pie

We read the story, Enemy Pie, by Derek Munson, described as "a clever tale with an effective message about how to handle relationships and conflict," by the School Library Journal. Our students created their own recipes for enemy pies, which turn enemies into friends and include characteristics of a good friend as well as some 'sweeter' ingredients like ice cream and sugar :) Enjoy the slideshow!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Visiting Authors

Our visiting authors of the day were Roman, Tanner, Gavin and Henry!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Land & Water Forms

In Social Studies, students have been learning about various land and water forms. To better understand these forms, students acted out the following: ocean, lake, river, island, valley, mountain, hill and plain! Here is a picture of the activity...!


Last week, our students worked on their estimating skills. In groups, they first built something with manipulatives, then estimated how many blocks were used to build their object. Having made their estimations, the students took apart their objects and discovered how close they were to the actual number!



Visiting Authors

Today, Stephen and Avery shared a journal entry with their classmates. They were complimented on their ability to read with expression and write with detail!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pre-K Buddies

Yesterday our second grade class got to meet their Pre-K Buddies! They had so much fun learning about their new friends and playing outside on the playground together. We will get to do various activities with our buddies throughout the school year. Enjoy the slideshow :)

Visiting Authors

Here are some more of our visiting authors! Kerry, Aditya, Kyle and Claudia K.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Indoor Recess!

Due to the weather yesterday, students had indoor recess. Enjoy the slideshow!

Indoor Recess - slide show

"Me In A Bag"

Each of our students brought in a bag containing three items to help their peers
get to know them better. Enjoy the slideshow!

Me In A Bag - slide show

Katie's Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Katie! On Wednesday, Katie and her parents shared yummy treats with the class. She also got to read a book to her classmates!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Visiting Authors

During 'Morning Meeting', we had Kevin, Claudia and Morgan share a journal entry!


We have been using our SmartBoard for our morning sign-in. The students enjoy using their fingers to drag objects and using the pens to write their names!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Kevin's Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Kevin! Today, we celebrated Kevin's birthday. Kevin and his mom
brought snacks for the class and shared a story.

Visiting Authors

Today, we had some of our students share a journal entry with the rest of the class!