Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Parade

On Friday, Columbus Academy Lower School had their Halloween Parade! The kids had a blast as they marched through the school with their costumes on. Thank you to all of the parents who contributed to making the day a success for our students. Enjoy the pictures :)

Learning at Home

Claudia W. and Claudia K. took it upon themselves to do extra work at home related to our study of Native American tribes. Claudia W. made a poster about the Hopi tribe. Together, the girls made a model of a teepee, accompanied by a poster of information! Great work, girls!

Star Student

Carolyn was our Star Student last week! Students enjoyed getting to know more about their friend and classmate. Carolyn enjoys field hockey, Harry Potter and her favorite color is turquoise!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Star Student

Claudia was our Star Student last week! Classmates write each Star Student a letter including positive comments and encouraging words about that student. These letters are compiled into a book the Star Student is then able to take home.

Assembly Presentation

Several students from 2A got to recite their original poetry during assembly. Each poem centered around a color and included many adjectives and nouns associated with that color. These poems are currently hanging on our bulletin board, so be sure to take a look!

Star Student

Stephen was our first Star Student of the week. Classmates enjoyed learning 
new and interesting things about their friend, Stephen.

Guest Reader

Morgan was our first guest reader! She chose a scary story just in time for Halloween...


Ohio Historical Society

The Ohio Historical Society visited our second grade last week along with a wide variety of Native American artifacts. Students enjoyed moving from classroom to classroom to learn more about these artifacts and their uses. Enjoy the pictures from the visit!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Campfire Stories

Yesterday, the second grade got to take their pre-k buddies out to the campfire! We listened to some wonderful stories from Mrs. Oeth.  They practiced C.A.R.E.S., as they made their buddies S'mores and brought them hot chocolate.  Enjoy the pictures from the morning!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Kachina Dolls

2A has been studying Native Americans, specifically the Hopi tribe. To further our understanding of the Hopi culture, students got to create their own Kachina dolls. These dolls represent Hopi spirits and are meant to be treasured and studied by the Hopi people.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Community Day!

On Friday, the Second Grade celebrated Community Day! Students have been exploring different parts of the Academy community and hopefully have shared their Community Books with you at home. Friday served as a culminating activity where the Second Grade classrooms were mixed together for fun, games, snacks and a little bit of singing with Mr. Vorenberg. Enjoy the slideshow!
(turn up your volume!)