Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ohio Historical Society

The second grade took a field trip to the Ohio Historical Society. Students began in the historical village where they got to travel through various buildings to learn about different holidays people celebrate throughout the winter season. After lunch, second grade explored the museum...from Native Americans to animals...students really enjoyed discovering their knowledge at the Ohio Historical Society. Thank you to all the parents who chaperoned and made this day possible. Enjoy the photos.

Thunder Cake

Having read the story, Thunder Cake, by Patricia Polacco, students got to create their own 'thunder cake' as a class! The recipe was sent home with students so you can try it at home. Enjoy the photos.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Native American Day

To wrap up our studies of Native Americans, the second grade participated in Native American day! The highlight of the day was our feast...thank you to all the parents who brought in such delicious dishes.